Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas...... Nerd Style!

So Christmas is almost here and it's closer for some, dang time zones.
So this Christmas may be the nerdiest one I've ever had and I'm super Excited! So quick I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays, Be Safe.

Moving on. Lately I've been watching quite a number of chick flicks which isn't odd but it seems to have thrown my system of Geeky-ness off, I'll be looking threw movies to watch and I seem to go past the Sci- Fi and straight for the Gushy, Love, Hugging movies. I think I've become a girl.... Wait a Minute, I am a Girl. Anyway, I was watching this one Show which turned out to be pretty good, I ended up watching every episode... in one day. The show's called "Accidentally on Purpose" it's pretty interesting.

Anyway I'm gonna go now and Watch some Rizzoli and Isles, Maybe this will help get over my Chick Flick Phase..... I hope!

I'll be back to Posting Nerdy, Geeky, Sci-Fi, Fantasy stuff after the Holidays!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Minecraft Extreme Spleef!!!!

Alrighty now, So I just tried to post this twice now so I hope third times a charm....
So after my last post I decided to do something, I finished editing a video from my first Extreme Spleef match from a while ago, The original video had a song by McFly on it but I knew YouTube would stop me, I had to change the song. Yay, Youtube! Anyway The video is up I hope you watch it and I hope you enjoy it! It's the first video I've done in iMovie so I just used what I had. Onward and Upward!

Anyway I'm super tired and a little irritated so I'm off.

Inspiration where the Hell are you?.........

   It's been a couple of months now and I haven't done much by way of Art or Writing, as it's December one of the most Inspiring times for me I can't think of a single thing to work on.  More then that I don't seem very interested to Finish my Halo helmet or several Paints and Writing projects I've started.  What's happening to me?
   I hung out with a friend not that long ago and we were talking about the Future with-in the next 2 years and he may be moving and he wants me to go with, that's all fine and exciting but where and how.  I currently have no job I'm super broke and I live with my parents....  How am I suppose to move?
   Now speaking of Job I've had the occasional free lance gig here and there but nothing steady, nothing that can pay rent.   I get that the job market is horrible right now, but come on I've applied almost everywhere where I live and nothing, 2 years I've been looking for a steady job and still nothing.  What the hell?  I live a good life but I need to get out on my own and do stuff instead of living at home and getting stuff for free, almost free.
   I'm sorry for the crazy ramblings!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Who am I & Bourne Identity

So I just started watching Who am I one of my favorites ever, I'm a huge Jackie Chan fan and I love this movie. So as I was watching I noticed things that reminded me of The Bourne Identity another movie I really like, Now I know I should have known about the similarities long before now it's been a while since I saw either movie. By the way yes some Girls do like Action films! Anyway, as I was getting into the movie I did a quick look online to see how much they're alike and they come pretty close to each other, Of course there are differences in the Stories but they are almost the same thing. Anyway random movie post.
I hope you enjoyed!

While I'm here I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and I hope everyone is safe this winter!

Jackie Chan FOR THE WIN!!!

Also the Votes are in and the Winner is Deck 2, for this years Halloween Deck Wars!
So that means my sister beat me...... oh well there's always next year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Minecraft Art!

I've been playing a lot of Minecraft, so much that I wanted to do Pixel art. So today I looked up images for the Staypuft marshmallow man, I couldn't find any good 8-bit images so instead I used an image of a bead craft marshmallow man. It was really hard to count out the spaces and the number of blocks, but after a while, I did it.

On to the next project.......

Friday, November 18, 2011


Really Osaka? Pika, Pi.
Anyway, Halloween deck wars is over and voting is still open. So if you wish to vote please do so, I'll link to the vote box.

So with that, I'm gonna go read some stuff, play some minecraft, and drink some Ecoplasma.
Hope everyone is having a good November so far, Also everyone has an Awesome Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 11, 2011

I have an urge.............

I have an incredible urge to blog but I have nothing to blog about, Whats wrong with me.
so after several minutes of brainstorming These are the topics: Nerd Fitness, Apple/Mac, Disney, and TRON!
Okay here we go!
I've been following this blog called Nerd Fitness which is very awesome, it's for everyone even if you're in really good shape it has a lot of cool articles for things and a really cool forum also full of interesting articles. I'm currently participating in the current challenge which I will admit isn't going quite to my favor.
But this is my first challenge, I'm looking forward to future ones to come.
Apple or as I know and will always remember them Macintosh or Mac's, I remember as a kid going to the computer lab at school and getting to play Dino park, Oregon trail, and Kid pix. It was fun and awesome and I miss those days. I grew up using a bunch of different Mac's I can't remember what they were but they had the super large floppy disc that was the size of a plate. That was the first I ever used, My school used them for reading tests. Now almost two decades later I finally got a Mac of my very own. Now all I need is Oregon Trail.
Disney and TRON! let's face it they go together. I love Disney, I grew up with the classics and the awesome opening, every time I'd hear that and know I was an awesome Disney movie, then they went and changed it. I like the new intro but not as much as the classic. It's seems to be that way with more then just the intro the movies aren't as awesome as they used to be, now it's all about the graphics and the big name stars they get not about the story or the characters. Anyway TRON, I FREAKING LOVE that movie, it's so awesome I honestly can't get enough of it, After I watch Tron I go and watch Legacy to see what else they may have slipped in. If your a Tron super fan Like me then you've done the same thing.
So I'm looking and I see that this is quite a long entry Anyway have fun enjoy sorry for the rambling.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tron and X Files 3

Lately I've been watching a lot of fan made trailers for both movies possible third films, You may have all ready guessed I'm super excited for both. I don't know if the third X Files film will be made but I'm ever hopeful. As for Tron 3 that has more of a chance and I'm really looking forward for that film in the future.
Nerd time, I watched the Official/Unofficial trailer for the third Tron movie, I'm so freaking excited for this. It will be the most amazing movie ever. Ok now with that out of my system I'm gonna go watch more trailers and Fight this cold.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Deck Wars 2011

Now that Halloween is over it's time for the voting to Start.
I'll be leaving this open til the end of November, so Vote for your favorite and tell your friends.... If you want.

Deck 1

Deck 2

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Real Life sometimes Sucks!

I'm trying to find a way to start this post, it's hard. I could wait until tomorrow and then try and it may come to me but at the same time I want to start it now..... Rambling! Awhile back I joined this really awesome fitness site, you may have heard of it Nerd Fitness. It's this awesome site that talks about diet and exercise, It's awesome!
You may be asking why tell you this, well Yesterday was the start of a six week challenge which I'm participating in, and I felt that I should share this six weeks with you as well, If your interested.....  Also I feel that I should share this, because Nerds/Geeks sometimes face this problem of poor fitness, Whether you're underweight or overweight it's a problem. I'm not saying it's entirely bad being either but for some it's a problem. So I wanted to share with you this Great site Nerd Fitness there are tons of great articles to read and the forum is very helpful. Plenty of Motivation. Now me for starters I can't do a pull-up/ chin-up, not one. So one of the goals for my six weeks is to build strength and muscle for me to do at least one full pull-up. So I'm hoping you take a look and I hope you find something that can help, even if your in good physical condition there are tons of things in there. Sorry for this random and crazy post and the rambling.

Halloween and Hallways

Okay that doesn't make sense but hey. Halloween is coming and my deck isn't finished, I will have it finished before the big day. Now I mentioned that this is a contest and it is open for all who wish to participate. So if you have an area that's decorated for Halloween and you want to take place in the contest Email me your Name and Pictures of your deck. It's doesn't have to be a deck, it can be a yard, garage, any outdoor area.
Onward and upward, this week I'm participating in a haunted house here in Rochester, MN. It's called Haunted Hallways it's a fundraiser for Schools in the Rochester Area. With three hallways of Fun, Haunts, and Horrors I'm sure it'll be great. So if you're in the Rochester, MN area you should swing by and check it out.
Anyway I'm tired and have had a crazy day, so I think it's time for me to sit back and watch tons of Nerdy sci-fi movies.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Who can turn the world with her smile, mary tyler moore that's who!
So the special place I went to was the mary tyler moore statue in minneapolis. It was pretty cool at least for a nerd like me. I felt a little weird standing on the corner taking the picture but hey, it was totally worth it. Anyway sorry for the late post but I've kinda been busy, hope you like the picture. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

1 year old.....

Yesterday was the 1st birthday of IamTheMurderer, I was gonna do a Super Special post from some place special. Change of plans, So today is the post(really, your quick..). On with it, I'm Staying at a hotel in Minneapolis but it's not just for the Shindig, I'm here for Work(Zombies.........) So with that said on with the Party, I'm gonna be going to a special spot later tonight or tomorrow. This special spot has been seen on tv, it's in the Intro of a show...... I've always wanted to see in person, so seeing as I'm here it's gonna happen.
So this post is basically me rambling, I've been driving most of the day so my head kinda hurts. I'll be fine, hopefully before work. Ramble, Ramble, Ramble..... If you can make sense of this post congratulations.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve this one's for you!

Earlier today I was talking with my sister about the mac's we used at school and how awesome they were, and half an hour ago I found out Steve Jobs passed away. I'm still sad about this, I'm also quite perplexed the fact that Today of all days I reminisced about the good old days with my first mac. So in honor of one of the Greatest people ever, I say we have a Moment of Silence... Thanks Steve for Awesome Technology and Pixar Studios!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pancakes, Zombies, and A Birthday!

First: Next week I'll be doing an Art show(sort of) in Minneapolis, It's called Pancakes and Booze, it's gonna be at Barfly. So if your in Minnesota October 14th-15th, you have a chance to see my art in person. For those of you who can't I'll be posting pics from the Shows, so have no fear! Second: Next week is also my Blogs first birthday! So I'll be doing a special post from someplace Special, I hope...
In other news I've been trying to figure out what I want to do for Deck Wars this year and I keep drawing a blank, so hopefully while in Minneapolis I'll get some ideas. I know it's still early but, have you got your deck plans ready. For those wishing to participate I'll do a super post for that with guidelines and info. I really hope people do participate this year. Anyway have a Great Day, I'll catch ya later!

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's a Trap!

Lately I've been doing a bit of work, Special FX makeup some Photography and I've been preparing for auditions. In my spare time I'm learning some songs on piano and guitar. It's been fun this past week, but now I feel like I'm trapped and the Death star's going to come and blow up my planet. What should I do, where should I go, I really need to get away from my life for awhile and I keep dreaming of California. Not that I'll get to go, not for awhile anyway. I feel that everyone has days or weeks like this. It sucks, the feeling of being trapped in your own life, it's not like a character in acting where when your done for the day you just take off the costume and makeup and go home. It also really sucks for me because I don't have a stable job at the moment so it's kind of like being on a small boat in a massive storm with no motor or even paddles. Well it's the weekend so I'm going to try an enjoy it and then next week more work. Sorry for the crazy ramblings.

- The Murderer

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Deck War 2.0

I will be doing deck wars again this year, so for those who are interested It's going to be bigger and better than last year. I hope... Anyway, I would love if other people joined in on the fun. So if you have a deck or a space you can decorate go for it, take pictures and send them to me and I will post them, then people can vote for their favorite. In other news.... I would love to hear what you have to say, whether it's about deck wars or whatever just post a comment, especially if it's an idea for me to paint or build or try, I'm all for it!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tron = EPIC!!!

The title says it all! I mean Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner, Awesome!! So I recently watched Tron Classic, If you don't know it then you fail. Tron Legacy is a sequel for those who don't know, If you're a true geek then no need. Moving on, I watched Tron and the whole film I kept giggling like a "School girl" mixed with a crazy child with a massive sugar addiction, One reason is because I'm a huge Bruce Boxleitner fan and Two because it's freaking Tron! I don't even know where to begin with how epic that movie is, and without it the new generation wouldn't have Tron legacy. ha,I win this round, I think.., did I just call myself old..... Anyway, I must quickly inform those who have not seen Tron Classic that they must watch it at once. Now! I just looked over my post and realized I've been rambling like a crazy person, I feel that I should correct this problem somehow, but because it's late and I'm getting sleepy I think I may just end it all here. Well I hope this doesn't scare anyone away. Oh before I go If you're a Tron nut like myself then I hope you'll enjoy this.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Super Early Christmas

This is for all those who've hit up my blog looking at pics of my first attempt at the Halo helmet. I've done it again and this time it worked much better, mainly because it didn't crushed by small elves. Anyway I hope to have this completely finished by Halloween.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Painting and Mrs. King

So to start I haven't had many ideas for painting lately, which is a little unusual because I often have ideas pop in my head but not this time. So when recently I started watching Scarecrow and Mrs. King(Awesome).
Now I have a couple of ideas not sure how they'll work but I'm gonna try. So now to get down to the heart of the matter, Since I started watching Scarecrow and Mrs. King I've found a show that I truly like and enjoy gotta love Kate Jackson and Bruce Boxleitner, the downside is there our only four seasons. Now that doesn't really matter because there are some great shows out there that only had one season( Firefly and Outsourced), the thing that gets me is the fact that they are releasing the seasons one per year, why are you doing this to me? I have the first two seasons and have watched them, now I must wait until march of 2012 for season three and then wait another year for season four. Come on Warner Bros./ Warner Home Video get with the program, hurry up and release the other two seasons so I can find out what happens next. I mean I know I've read a lot of the plots for the episodes but that's not the same as watching it. Anyway a simple post has turned into a crazy plea. So long story semi-short, I'm going to start working on some Scarecrow and Mrs. King painting ideas, hopefully I'll have one finished in a couple of weeks. By the way Kate Jackson was always the Best Angel!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So here is the painting I did, it's not the greatest but it looks pretty good.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Paint by numbers

Awhile back I did a painting of the Enterprise NCC-1701D(it looks pretty cool), lately I've been wanting to do something else but I can't find the right inspiration. I've tried all my favorite shows and movies but nothing comes to mind, and every time I try google I get pics of a puppy pointing and winking and a lot of pictures of hot girls wearing next to nothing. Now both are interesting but not something I can just paint and hang up where everyone can see. I need help picking the next awesome painting. I'm in need of ideas, preferably non-sex related.
So video games, movies, tv, or books, if you have an idea I would love to know. And for those wanting to see my Enterprise painting I'll post a pic.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter Paper Castle

Rome wasn't built in a day, of course neither was Hogwarts. After printing the pages I started and the castle has become something so much more. I've been cutting, folding, and gluing. I actually have a blister on my pointer finger.  So to have the castle finished by the release of the movie isn't going to happen, but I hope to have it finished soon. ah the joy of crafting, the excitement of Harry Potter and the epic combination of the two.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Harry Potter and Paper

So with the upcoming Potter Film I've been looking at a bunch of paper model/ props I would like to make.
As I looked through page after page I found the Hogwarts Castle and decided to make it. I hope this goes better than my last Paper Craft, which ended in disaster. Anyway, I'm truly excited for the next and final Potter, it's going to be bitter sweet and really epic. The final battle, I wish I could have been there when they were filming.
Two days ago I re-watched 7 part 1 and I was inspired, and that's what this post is leading to(GET ON WITH IT), ok then! I'm printing all the pages for the castle and I'll be getting photos up throughout the Project I hope to have it done before Part 2 comes out. With that said I'm off to build a castle! Wish me Luck!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Burned out but not done!

Ah Burn Notice you make me so happy and you teach me so much about being a spy. I recently watched ever episode of Burn Notice including the Sam Axe movie(which was awesome!), I've learned much from how to get rid of a tail to making my own listening device. What may I learn in the next season? Not only that but I really wanna know what happens next, does Michael get his name cleared? Does he get his job back? What about Jessie? Whats gonna happen next for Fiona? and Sam?  I can't wait June 23rd seems so long away, I'm holding on as best I can. Also I would love to say that the season 4 Finale was Amazing, I was hanging onto every minute of it waiting for the moment when everything fell into place. A massive Round of Applause for the cast and their amazing job!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Lately I've been watching a lot of Bones and even with all the crazy story changes/arcs I'm still very much a fan and I enjoy the more I get into it. I've been watching the show since it started on and off, not because it would throw me off, I just didn't always have a tv. Anyway, I love this show and I hope it continues to confuse and entertain me for many more Seasons. I can't wait for season 7! Anyway I just wanted to throw that out there.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hospitals and Hauntings

Monday morning my Grandpa got sick and had to go to the hospital, because this happened super early in the morning I was unaware until 8am. I just got up and was in the shower, I started putting shampoo in my hair when my mom told me the news, So I did what most would do in this case and quickly washed my hair, jumped out of the shower and got dressed. Of course after I got out of the Shower I was told the rest of the news, he's doing okay and the Doctors are running some tests, "couldn't have told me that before I broke a hair washing speed record". Thankful that he was okay, I hopped in the car with my mom and sister and we headed to the Hospital. We visited my Grandpa, then walked around the Campus finding some very interesting places. The next day we went back to check up on how things were going, I decided to take a walk around some more. Saint Marys is a Very large hospital in fact it's the largest Privately operated, The hospital has 35 miles of halls and is made up 6 buildings and 1 large chapel. It's very easy to get lost, I started in one building and soon was in another and didn't know it, after walking for what seemed like forever I found myself in an unused part of the hospital, I was by myself in this empty area hoping no zombies or ghost came out of nowhere, every turn seemed like a new adventure turning slowly only to find the halls empty. As I looked around I noticed doors had labels some saying Beds or Furniture, It turns out that this area was now storage. Soon I found myself standing in a very old part of the Hospital and I suddenly felt like I was being watched from around the corner. I quickly left the area and headed towards the elevators, I went back to where my grandpa was and hopped on one of the visitor computers and looked up information on the building. Parts of the Hospital are around 122 years old, so they could very well be Haunted. If your ever in Rochester, MN and you walk around Saint Marys and find yourself on the 7th floor of the Joseph Building you may find the same empty and very creepy Halls.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Ok for you Potter fans, Here comes the Awesome and Epic finale part 1.
I saw it in theaters and was amazed at every minute of the Film. To call this simply a movie would be wrong, this is truly a work of art! For the past couple of years I stuck mainly to Lord of The Rings and didn't really get into the potter films as much as everyone else, but this Film is almost as good as Lord of The Rings, almost.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Damn Good Book!

Just a Geek: Unflinchingly honest tales of the search for life, love, and fulfillment beyond the Starship EnterpriseLately I've been trying to find a book to read, most the books I come across hold my interests for all of 2 minutes then I want to read something else. A couple of days ago I was at Barnes and Noble, trying to find that something special when I came to the Sci-fi section, Seeing the endless Star wars, Star Trek, and Stargate books that filled the shelf I saw Just A Geek By Wil Wheaton, I had read reviews about it but could never find a copy until now. I grabbed the book and began reading. I'm not much on the Introductions but this one had manage to catch my Attention. I purchased the book and went to lunch with my mom and sister, almost the entire time I was there I was reading the book wondering what happened next. After lunch we were driving around town, I was sitting in the back still reading, My mom and sister are talking about some random topic when I hear my sister "Michelle is being very quite, did she die?", I look up from the book and reply "This is a Damn Good Book!", my sister made a remark which I didn't catch and they went back to their random topic. By the time I got home I had read almost half the book and didn't want to Stop. I finished the book a couple days later, after a few interruptions of course. I really enjoyed this book and I'm currently looking for his others. Just a Geek: Unflinchingly honest tales of the search for life, love, and fulfillment beyond the Starship Enterprise

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's that I see, X Files 3?

While browsing XFiles Universe I saw a post that made me Incredibly happy, according to the post FOX is in discussion for a possible new X Files Movie. I'm so excited right now I can hardly concentrate! I know it's still early and the talks can go anyway from here but I can't wait! What will this movie have and who?
 Here's the Link:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Anyone Home?

I've been away for what seems like forever, atleast for me, I've been going from one thing to the next. Spring is here which means animals and people start coming out of their hiding spots, snow melts and things start changing slowly but with such amazing beauty. Also the evils of Spring Cleaning are now in the air.

With the Babbling now out of the way, Updates are needed. First off my Halo helmet sadly didn't make it, The helmet was put on hiatus and then it tragically was crushed by some unknown object, Onward and Upwards! Since it's spring it can already be assumed that the Snow from that horrible storm has melted, no injuries.

Rambling Done, I think it's time for me to go. Before I go, to those who are interested I will be starting a new Halo Helmet and I will be posting plenty of Pics. After of course I finish cleaning. Well it's getting late and I need some sleep. See ya Laters!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Springtime for Star Trek!

Spring is coming, as the days slowly grow warmer and the sun starts staying out longer, I wonder "What would Picard and Janeway, do on an amazing Spring day'. Picard would more than likely be with his horse on the holodeck, Janeway would be either fixing her awesome bun or Enveloping herself in her holodeck novel. Ah the joy of the holodeck! Now lately I've been seeing more and more of Star Trek on tv, I don't know if this is normal. Whatever the reason I'm enjoying it. The joy of seeing Picard battle the borg and fail every time and then watching Janeway battle the borg and win, take that Enterprise! j/k! Anyway, with Spring on it's way I'm trying to think of awesome Trek things to do. I love making/doing Trek stuff!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The more Trek the Better!

For the past couple of days there has been a sort of Trek marathon on Syfy, Yay Star Trek!
If  there's one thing I love it's Star Trek, While watching The first motion picture I looked around my room I noticed my few but loved Trek items. The downside to the marathon is that it's limited, only on for a couple of days and then I'm back to having to borrow seasons from friends. I believe that Star Trek should always be on, in fact they should have a channel just for the shows. Imagine the sheer joy, also the younger generations chance to experience the awesome power of the Great and Mighty Star ship Enterprise! Anyway, before I start rambling, you should watch Star Trek.

P.S. Watch Star Trek. WATCH IT!