Friday, November 11, 2011

I have an urge.............

I have an incredible urge to blog but I have nothing to blog about, Whats wrong with me.
so after several minutes of brainstorming These are the topics: Nerd Fitness, Apple/Mac, Disney, and TRON!
Okay here we go!
I've been following this blog called Nerd Fitness which is very awesome, it's for everyone even if you're in really good shape it has a lot of cool articles for things and a really cool forum also full of interesting articles. I'm currently participating in the current challenge which I will admit isn't going quite to my favor.
But this is my first challenge, I'm looking forward to future ones to come.
Apple or as I know and will always remember them Macintosh or Mac's, I remember as a kid going to the computer lab at school and getting to play Dino park, Oregon trail, and Kid pix. It was fun and awesome and I miss those days. I grew up using a bunch of different Mac's I can't remember what they were but they had the super large floppy disc that was the size of a plate. That was the first I ever used, My school used them for reading tests. Now almost two decades later I finally got a Mac of my very own. Now all I need is Oregon Trail.
Disney and TRON! let's face it they go together. I love Disney, I grew up with the classics and the awesome opening, every time I'd hear that and know I was an awesome Disney movie, then they went and changed it. I like the new intro but not as much as the classic. It's seems to be that way with more then just the intro the movies aren't as awesome as they used to be, now it's all about the graphics and the big name stars they get not about the story or the characters. Anyway TRON, I FREAKING LOVE that movie, it's so awesome I honestly can't get enough of it, After I watch Tron I go and watch Legacy to see what else they may have slipped in. If your a Tron super fan Like me then you've done the same thing.
So I'm looking and I see that this is quite a long entry Anyway have fun enjoy sorry for the rambling.

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