Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's been a long time since I came around.........

Ok Lady Gaga out of the way, It has been some time since I've been on, Todays post is about some very awesome things.

1st - OMG Star Trek Online free to play enough said......... I've been playing non stop for the past 5 days now I think, I can't remember when I started playing.

2nd - Pottermore is starting to piss me off..... If you're not sure what it is go here, It said way back that it would be going up in October then it changed and then again. Now it's seems to finally be out of beta but there all ready having to update the site/servers so it's still not up. Why are you doing this to me? I'm sure that when it's up it will be one of the most amazing Potter Experiences since I started reading the books.

3rd - Firefly Universe.... Firefly Universe is kinda like STO but Firefly in the sense of game play and style.
I'm super excited for it and can only hope that it holds up and makes every other Firefly/Serenity Fan happy.

4th - Artemis Fowl..... It looks like it may get a movie, then again it may not seeing as Hollywood is so wrapped up in Twilight Sparkle Vampire stuff. Artemis Fowl came out before Twilight was starting the movie Process then Harry Potter went big and AF took a nap. Now there seems to finally be light at the end of the tunnel and I can only hope that it works out and finally gets made.
More about Artemis Fowl the only thing I haven't like so far is the Graphic novel, I thought Artemis looked to Weasel face two timing bad guy-ish, and Butler looked like this big fat guy who got owned in an old anime I watched years ago, it wasn't happy what happened to him. I liked some of the other art but the Character art had me sad.

All I can say is STO you so Awesome, Pottermore you better not fail, Firefly Universe I hope you don't fail and Finally, Artemis Fowl when you finally gonna get your movie.......?

That's it for now Hopefully more will be on it's way.

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