Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas...... Nerd Style!

So Christmas is almost here and it's closer for some, dang time zones.
So this Christmas may be the nerdiest one I've ever had and I'm super Excited! So quick I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays, Be Safe.

Moving on. Lately I've been watching quite a number of chick flicks which isn't odd but it seems to have thrown my system of Geeky-ness off, I'll be looking threw movies to watch and I seem to go past the Sci- Fi and straight for the Gushy, Love, Hugging movies. I think I've become a girl.... Wait a Minute, I am a Girl. Anyway, I was watching this one Show which turned out to be pretty good, I ended up watching every episode... in one day. The show's called "Accidentally on Purpose" it's pretty interesting.

Anyway I'm gonna go now and Watch some Rizzoli and Isles, Maybe this will help get over my Chick Flick Phase..... I hope!

I'll be back to Posting Nerdy, Geeky, Sci-Fi, Fantasy stuff after the Holidays!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Minecraft Extreme Spleef!!!!

Alrighty now, So I just tried to post this twice now so I hope third times a charm....
So after my last post I decided to do something, I finished editing a video from my first Extreme Spleef match from a while ago, The original video had a song by McFly on it but I knew YouTube would stop me, I had to change the song. Yay, Youtube! Anyway The video is up I hope you watch it and I hope you enjoy it! It's the first video I've done in iMovie so I just used what I had. Onward and Upward!

Anyway I'm super tired and a little irritated so I'm off.

Inspiration where the Hell are you?.........

   It's been a couple of months now and I haven't done much by way of Art or Writing, as it's December one of the most Inspiring times for me I can't think of a single thing to work on.  More then that I don't seem very interested to Finish my Halo helmet or several Paints and Writing projects I've started.  What's happening to me?
   I hung out with a friend not that long ago and we were talking about the Future with-in the next 2 years and he may be moving and he wants me to go with, that's all fine and exciting but where and how.  I currently have no job I'm super broke and I live with my parents....  How am I suppose to move?
   Now speaking of Job I've had the occasional free lance gig here and there but nothing steady, nothing that can pay rent.   I get that the job market is horrible right now, but come on I've applied almost everywhere where I live and nothing, 2 years I've been looking for a steady job and still nothing.  What the hell?  I live a good life but I need to get out on my own and do stuff instead of living at home and getting stuff for free, almost free.
   I'm sorry for the crazy ramblings!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Who am I & Bourne Identity

So I just started watching Who am I one of my favorites ever, I'm a huge Jackie Chan fan and I love this movie. So as I was watching I noticed things that reminded me of The Bourne Identity another movie I really like, Now I know I should have known about the similarities long before now it's been a while since I saw either movie. By the way yes some Girls do like Action films! Anyway, as I was getting into the movie I did a quick look online to see how much they're alike and they come pretty close to each other, Of course there are differences in the Stories but they are almost the same thing. Anyway random movie post.
I hope you enjoyed!

While I'm here I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and I hope everyone is safe this winter!

Jackie Chan FOR THE WIN!!!

Also the Votes are in and the Winner is Deck 2, for this years Halloween Deck Wars!
So that means my sister beat me...... oh well there's always next year!