Friday, September 23, 2011

It's a Trap!

Lately I've been doing a bit of work, Special FX makeup some Photography and I've been preparing for auditions. In my spare time I'm learning some songs on piano and guitar. It's been fun this past week, but now I feel like I'm trapped and the Death star's going to come and blow up my planet. What should I do, where should I go, I really need to get away from my life for awhile and I keep dreaming of California. Not that I'll get to go, not for awhile anyway. I feel that everyone has days or weeks like this. It sucks, the feeling of being trapped in your own life, it's not like a character in acting where when your done for the day you just take off the costume and makeup and go home. It also really sucks for me because I don't have a stable job at the moment so it's kind of like being on a small boat in a massive storm with no motor or even paddles. Well it's the weekend so I'm going to try an enjoy it and then next week more work. Sorry for the crazy ramblings.

- The Murderer

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Deck War 2.0

I will be doing deck wars again this year, so for those who are interested It's going to be bigger and better than last year. I hope... Anyway, I would love if other people joined in on the fun. So if you have a deck or a space you can decorate go for it, take pictures and send them to me and I will post them, then people can vote for their favorite. In other news.... I would love to hear what you have to say, whether it's about deck wars or whatever just post a comment, especially if it's an idea for me to paint or build or try, I'm all for it!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tron = EPIC!!!

The title says it all! I mean Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner, Awesome!! So I recently watched Tron Classic, If you don't know it then you fail. Tron Legacy is a sequel for those who don't know, If you're a true geek then no need. Moving on, I watched Tron and the whole film I kept giggling like a "School girl" mixed with a crazy child with a massive sugar addiction, One reason is because I'm a huge Bruce Boxleitner fan and Two because it's freaking Tron! I don't even know where to begin with how epic that movie is, and without it the new generation wouldn't have Tron legacy. ha,I win this round, I think.., did I just call myself old..... Anyway, I must quickly inform those who have not seen Tron Classic that they must watch it at once. Now! I just looked over my post and realized I've been rambling like a crazy person, I feel that I should correct this problem somehow, but because it's late and I'm getting sleepy I think I may just end it all here. Well I hope this doesn't scare anyone away. Oh before I go If you're a Tron nut like myself then I hope you'll enjoy this.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Super Early Christmas

This is for all those who've hit up my blog looking at pics of my first attempt at the Halo helmet. I've done it again and this time it worked much better, mainly because it didn't crushed by small elves. Anyway I hope to have this completely finished by Halloween.