Friday, June 17, 2011

Burned out but not done!

Ah Burn Notice you make me so happy and you teach me so much about being a spy. I recently watched ever episode of Burn Notice including the Sam Axe movie(which was awesome!), I've learned much from how to get rid of a tail to making my own listening device. What may I learn in the next season? Not only that but I really wanna know what happens next, does Michael get his name cleared? Does he get his job back? What about Jessie? Whats gonna happen next for Fiona? and Sam?  I can't wait June 23rd seems so long away, I'm holding on as best I can. Also I would love to say that the season 4 Finale was Amazing, I was hanging onto every minute of it waiting for the moment when everything fell into place. A massive Round of Applause for the cast and their amazing job!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Lately I've been watching a lot of Bones and even with all the crazy story changes/arcs I'm still very much a fan and I enjoy the more I get into it. I've been watching the show since it started on and off, not because it would throw me off, I just didn't always have a tv. Anyway, I love this show and I hope it continues to confuse and entertain me for many more Seasons. I can't wait for season 7! Anyway I just wanted to throw that out there.