Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Deck wars

The wait is over, and the winner is.... It's a tie! I was shocked to see this but that's what happened. I want to thank all who voted, I would also like to say that next time the photos will be better. So Christmas is coming and I wanted to open this to everyone who is interested, if you would like to participate in Christmas deck wars 2010 let me know.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

X Files The hope is Out There!

Today while checking out Gillian Anderson's web page, I saw a post that offered hope and dismay all at the same time. The fact the Gillian is open to another X Files Movie is hopeful same with most of the Cast and Crew. Now all that's needed is for Fox Studios to Get off their bums and start working on it, That's the good. The Bad is that it's been 2 years since the 2nd movie, Fox Studios may see this and think that it could be a waste to make a 3rd. So to do the movie they need the fans to come out and rally for it, which they have done. Now all that's left is the Ugly, Right now the Movie(or lack there of) is in the Crucial yet Feeble Rumor Stage; it's at this point the deal for the movie could make it or not. Why are Rumors crucial for a movie? Well it's the fastest way that Hollywood can get the news out without it being Real News(just in case). Someone, Somewhere starts talking about a movie idea which is then sent on to the next person and so on, Allowing the people to decide if it's a go or not(for the most part). Some movies skip this and go straight to; Were making it, so stand back and be prepared if you want it or not(only for the movie to suck). Now I know that's not all true, but what can I say Hollywood's Crazy.  I want to Quick tell you that Frank Spotnitz posted the first Post that I read. Frank worked for quite awhile on The X Files, he receives lots of emails asking about a 3rd film.

PS: "the hope is out there" is not the name of the possible 3rd film, it's the title of the rumor inspired post that sparked this one.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

X Files I want to believe

So the first time I watched this I was confused, so I watched it again and again until it worked. The storyline was a little confusing but I got it. After not having seen the movie in awhile, I watched the Extended version of the Film and it worked from the word go. The movie worked so much better being full and not chopped up and edited to be a slightly shorter more theater friendly ball of Confusion. Main reason the theatrical version didn't work was because Chris Carter wrote a long story that a lot of people felt was to long, so they edited the script to make it shorter(big mistake). Then they filmed the new script only to have the same people before say it was to long and they edited the Movie and tried to play tetris with the whole film. So after the movie was released and didn't do as well as hoped, Chris got to take over and Release the Extended version which was Much, much, much Better! Next time they make an X Files movie just let Chris do it his way!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Deck Wars 2010

 So here's how this will work, after viewing the Pictures, Vote!
So here goes!
Deck 1

 Deck 2

Now it's time to Vote!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So this Halloween me and my sister had what we like to call Deck wars, this awesome event is what happens when two people think they can do better decorations then the other. Now this year we decided to let everyone have their vote. So I will post pictures from both Decks and you get to vote for your Favorite. Now I'm still Trying to find a best way to do this but Everything will be in the Next post. Also for those interested by the Halo Mark VI Helmet I'm still working on it, I had to take a break from making it to do Deck Wars but I hope to finish it before the end of the Year.