Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Holy Sh!t!!!

Well it's been awhile.....

Quick Highlights of shit that Happened!

  • I went to Puerto Rico to visit family.... My Dad's side! (August 2015)
  • I went to Florida to check out a school and visit family (January 2017)
  • I went Mount Rushmore by myself.... Because I'm sad and lonely (July 2017)
  • I changed job titles 4 times, I still work at the same place I just "moved up"...
  • I bought a car.... Because my poor Honda Civic died!
  • I still have no life and nothing to really show for it
  • I was in the hospital for 3 days for an elevated white blood count... no clue whats the cause!
Since I was last here I also bought a Drone and I've used it quite a bit, one of the flights was almost its last.... I was flying just before a storm came in and I had my back to the storm so when I turned around it hit hard, The drone took off, I lost connection, I chased after it and thankfully I got it back.... I do have the footage from the flight.... It's not the best video, i'm still pissed at how bad the video is but I had my iso and white balance set for cloudy, not damn near nighttime!
The video shows a lightning strike that killed the power for the neighborhood.... 

I've taken this drone with me on a few trips, one of them being the Mount Rushmore trip.... No I don't have footage of Mount Rushmore, that would have been freaking awesome... You are not allowed to fly drones in the park..... 
Maybe if you get special permission and a permit....?

I understand why they have restrictions in place, Because if not everyone would be flying drones and probably crashing and someone getting hurt....

I did stop in the badlands and flew the drone for a bit there, I haven't gone through all the footage yet... I don't know if Drones are permitted to be flown in the badlands, there was nothing posted about not flying. I'll work on the other drone footage, once I get my computer up to speed, I filmed in a large format and my computer can barely keep up... I need to upgrade the Memory.

Other than the drone and some catching up, 2018 started out crazy and has become a little more weird everyday, the past couple years have been crazy but nothing really compares to this year.

I'm trying not to ramble on but hey it's what i'm good at!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tis the Season of Change

   The past few months have been crazy and long, I've bounced from one event to another, working my butt off for very little.... Now the time has come for me to rethink my priorities and start a new path/ adventure.

Over the past few months I've been thinking about College, is it really for me, is this something that would actually be worth going into debt for.
I have come to a semi decision about it, I'll go if I can get a new job soon and then hopefully save up a good chunk.....
However I'm currently stuck in a "holding pattern", therefore making this change is hard and it gets more and more complicated as time goes on.

Slowly but surly I will make my choice and move to the next phase, hopefully it will be awesome either way.

As my birthday grows near I feel it's time for change, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost....

I keep trying to go and do, hold onto my dreams but every time I do something or someone comes by and distracts me or needs me to help, then there go my plans for another unknown amount of time...

I keep having to tell myself there is no set timeline, there is not right timeline, it's my timeline I pick and choose what to do and when to do it.

It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.

As I go over this I realize how random this is, I apologize. I also apologize for the Lord of the Rings references. I guess that should be expected from a geek/nerd!

I guess the best way to describe this post is, A needed rant about the uncertain future that lay before me, and I just needed to get this out somehow...

I hope to actually start blogging and posting my pepakura "builds", getting more involved in this vast world.

I think I've assembled enough of a coherent thought to make this post understandable!

ps. Like always, I apologize for being Crazy and Random!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


I know it's a year late but, better late than never!

So I feel bad for having skipped posting my adventures and massive fun from when I went to Denver Comic Con.

So I met a lot of Awesome people, some cool kids.


So how about it, looks fun right. It was FREAKING AWESOME!

Next Comic Con that I go to I will be sure to update during and post quick and frequently.